millisecond pulsar

美 [ˈmɪlisekənd ˈpʌlsɑːr]英 [ˈmɪlisekənd ˈpʌlsɑː(r)]
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millisecond pulsarmillisecond pulsar
  1. Adaptive Filtering and Signal Procession for Millisecond Pulsar Based on High Order Statistics


  2. Possible Application of Millisecond Pulsar to Time Metrology


  3. Four types of the models for the millisecond pulsar are reviewed .


  4. The feasibility , goal and task for conducting the research on millisecond pulsar timing in China are analysed .


  5. Millisecond pulsar timing array ( PTA ) has been developed and operated over the world .


  6. Progress on Millisecond Pulsar Timing Observations


  7. An X-ray binary system has been formed , and the neutron star has made the crucial second step toward becoming a millisecond pulsar .


  8. A millisecond pulsar is thought to form when the pulsar is siphoning material from a companion star .


  9. The discovery of the millisecond pulsar PSR 1937 + 214 is one of the most important events in astrophysics in recent years .


  10. The Gravitational Quadrupole Power Radiated From the Millisecond pulsar PSR1953 + 29 and the Temperature Distribution on its Surface


  11. We describe the characteristic of time and physics of pulsars , and the significance of study , as well as recent progress in techniques of millisecond pulsar timing study .


  12. The detection of TOA perturbations , which caused by the gravitational wave background , is affected by the levels of the millisecond pulsar timing noise .


  13. This paper reviews worldwide research progress of pulsar timing observation , and discusses mainly the views for millisecond pulsar timing develop in China , as well as gives the results of time scale research by using wavelet decomposition method .


  14. It is thought that the time scale of millisecond pulsar is possible to be set up , and that pulsar time and atomic time can be contrasted and verified with each other and developed side by side .


  15. In theory , the first step toward producing a millisecond pulsar is the formation of a neutron star when a massive star goes supernova . Supernova remnants : What is left after a heavy star violently explodes .


  16. The radiation flux of two gamma-ray bursts ( GRB970228 and GRB000301 ) afterglows has been studied using the fireball model with a millisecond pulsar at the center , which turns out to be well consistent with the observation data .


  17. Based on the measurements of the arrival times of the radio pulses emitted from the millisecond pulsar ( s ), pulsar time and ensemble pulsar time can be established after the necessary time space transformation , correction and parameters fitting are applied to the measurements .


  18. A 6.1 Millisecond Radio Binary Pulsar PSR 1953 + 29


  19. Viewpoints in China on Millisecond ( MS ) Pulsar Timing
